Worried about upgrading PostgreSQL?

Have no fear! Just follow our step-by-step guide.

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What people say

“THANK YOU for your tutorial. It worked flawlessly! Everything made sense and I appreciate the work.”

– Peter

“Thank you for your upgrade instructions from PostgreSQL 15 to 16, your guide works perfectly. Thanks for your excellent work!

– Chris

“Just wanted to thank you for explaining the PostgreSQL 14 to 15 upgrade process on your web site. It really helped me out.

– Nick

“Thanks for your tutorial on updating PostgreSQL from 11 to 12 on a Debian machine. That made an anxious time a little easier.

– Richard

“I’ve been miserable for the last two days because I needed to update Postgres on my servers but then I found your tutorials and was able to update Postgres on 2 separate servers from v12 to v15 in just two hours, without much expertise on my side. I just wanted to let you know that your guide made my day much easier and I haven’t encountered many guides that get me to my goal as well as your guide!

– Niklas

“I just followed your guidance on updating PostgreSQL from v13 to v14. I don't know too much about databases but your guidance is fantastic, concise, to the point and allowed me to complete the upgrade without any problems.”

– Pawel

Thank you for your tutorial about upgrading PostgreSQL.”

– Marcin

“I upgraded from 11 to 13 with your tutorial and it worked!

– Nazan

“I've used this tutorial several times to upgrade PostgreSQL databases. It's better than anything else I've found on the Internet. It's a great piece of work, thanks!”

– Eric